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To eat or not to eat the placenta; that is the question.

You've heard the hype, and you want to know more information about consuming your placenta - well you've come to the right place!

What is placenta encapsulation?

Well, it's a process where by a person steams, dehydrates, grinds and encapsulates your placenta for your consumption following the birth of your baby.

Although this isn't for everyone, a lot of new mom's are very interested in this process and here's why; it is suggested that consuming your placenta postpartum has the ability to:

- heal more quickly after giving birth

- balance hormone and iron levels

- lower chances of developing Postpartum Depression

- increased energy

- encourage a good milk supply for women choosing to breastfeed

You're right, there isn't a lot of scientific research out there that supports these assumptions; in fact, you'd be hard pressed to find any up-to-date, concrete evidence that supports it. But, this rapidly growing trend has many women (from all over the world) sharing their success stories.

Fun fact: we are one of the ONLY mammals that DOES NOT consume our placenta after giving birth!

Here's what you need to know:

There are SAFE and UNSAFE ways to consume your placenta. Pay close attention to the points below to ensure you are receiving the best practices.

- your placenta should be transported by you, back to your home and placed in the freezer until it can be encapsulated.

- your placenta should be encapsulated in your own home

- your placenta should be dehydrated & steamed before being encapsulated to ensure that all bacteria has been killed

- your placenta should be encapsulated by a trained and/or certified professional

If placenta encapsulation is right for you, please feel free to contact me for more information or for recommendations to a certified placenta encapsulator in your area by clicking here.

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